The objectives of OSI Workshop-26 are to:

  • Debrief the Directed Exercises in 2023 and the Build-Up Exercise in 2024;
  • Gather feedback and identify lessons learned;
  • Provide an overview of preparations for IFE25.

The output of the workshop will be the OSI Workshop-26 report, which is expected to summarise discussions and recommendations on the further development of OSI capabilities based on the experience gathered from the exercises.  

Poster for OSIWelcome

We are pleased to have you join us for On-Site Inspection Workshop 25, which provides an opportunity to discuss  the proposal of the first comprehensive draft list of equipment for use during OSIs (the List, as contained in CTBT/PTS/INF.1573). 

Expert Meeting on Future OSI Build-Up Exercises (EM-BUE 2018)

OSI TTE on ITF/FTF/Search Logic, as foreseen in the OSI Exercise Plan 2016-2020.

As adopted in the On-Site Inspection (OSI) Division Programme of Work for 2022-2023, the Documentation Section (DM) plans to conduct an Expert Meeting on 18-20 April 2023, entitled “Preparedness of OSI Quality Management System (QMS) Documentation in the Leadup to the planned IFE 2025.”


-    To review the status of the OSI QMS documentation;

-    To contribute to the preparation of OSI QMS documents in the leadup to the planned IFE 2025 along with the draft OSI Operational Manual;

-    To discuss the development and integrated use of OSI QMS documents beyond the IFE 2025.